Till tomorrow.
Bruce Bikes the USA
Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Day 1 | Upper Mid-West Tour
Till tomorrow.
Monday, July 2, 2018
Tour de USA | Some final thoughts and figures $$
Thank you for following along with me on this journey, and if you can please make a donation to the Children's Hospital below. 100% of your funds go to the Vanderbilt Children's Hospital.
As a non-profit institution, the Children's Hospital provides care to the children who come through its' doors regardless of the family's ability to pay. Caring support from the community allows this level of service to continue.
Friday, June 29, 2018
Tour de USA | Stage 49 Boston/Revere Beach | EFI
Well what a trip!! It ended today on a great note and a beautiful short ride to the beach. 49 days later I have crossed the US from Los Angeles to Boston, truly an amazing trip. It’s late, and I will try to share some of the pictures from today and some thoughts.
The clock at Revere Beach
L-R: Pete, me, Barry, Cathy
L-R: Mark, Pete, me, Barry, Cathy
Upon arriving at the beach I was immediately greeted by family and friends, some I had no idea that they were coming, such a great surprise. I loved every minute of it!!
L-R: Lisa, Lesley ( my mother hugging me)
I am surprised to see my son, I had no idea that he was coming to Boston.
Grant ( my son in the black t shirt )
My family L-R Charlie B. (My brother in law ), Lynn, me, Franny ( my aunt ), Alan ( my uncle), Grant, my mother
Lisa, my sister
And then another BIG Surprise was 3 of my high school class mates from BGA showed up!! Great to see them. L-R: Grimes Baird, me, Bill Melley, Matt Johnson.
L-R: Bill M., me, Matt J., Grimes B.
Another one for good measure
This is our group that made it the whole way.
After all of the ceremony we were hungry, so we walked down the beach to the local Lobster shack, Kelly’s and had a lobster roll, yum!
Here is the map from today’s ride.
It’s never to late to donate!
Thank you for following along with me on this journey, and if you can please make a donation to the Children's Hospital below. 100% of your funds go to the Vanderbilt Children's Hospital.
As a non-profit institution, the Children's Hospital provides care to the children who come through its' doors regardless of the family's ability to pay. Caring support from the community allows this level of service to continue.
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Tour de USA | Stage 48 Burlington, MA 100 miles in the rain
What a great day!!! You may say, “Bruce your title says 100 miles in the rain?” And that is correct, so how does one have a great day in 100 miles of rain?, you may ask? Well it is really quite a simple answer, and one that my friend Jerry F. Helped me see last night when I was texting back and forth with him. I knew this, but he helped bring it to light, and that is, “Life is what you make of it”. If you chose to dwell on the negative, such as 100% chance of rain all day than you are going to have a bad day. Instead I decided it was going to be a great day. I am at the end of a fantastic journey, and I want it to end on a high note!
After a couple of miles we were into New Hampshire, I didn’t realize that we were that close to another state our second to last one last night. Below is Cathy and me.
And then about 40 miles later we were in Massachusetts. Because of the rain we were focused on the road, and traffic, and we almost missed the sign, actually we did by a few feet and had to turn around. In the picture below are Pete from Scotland in the yellow, behind him hidden is Mark from Wales, and me. We also had Peyton the New Kid with us, and Barry took the picture.
Because of the rain, the pictures were only on a “necessary to take our phones out of our zip lock baggies basis”, so no more pics from the ride today, which is unfortunate because there was a lot of beautiful stuff to see from lakes, rivers, ponds, big beautiful homes, parks, and golf courses. All was very green, when you see ferns growing on the side of the road wild, you know they get a lot of rain up here. Hence the reason they call Vermont, The Green Mountain State. Or is it because of Bruce Green?
And my friend, Peyton, the “New Kid”, and bike mechanic, and just a great guy.
And the stats, a lot of climbing today, more than I thought.
Thank you for following along with me on this journey, and if you can please make a donation to the Children's Hospital below. 100% of your funds go to the Vanderbilt Children's Hospital.
As a non-profit institution, the Children's Hospital provides care to the children who come through its' doors regardless of the family's ability to pay. Caring support from the community allows this level of service to continue.
Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Tour de USA | Stage 47 Brattleboro, VT 78 miles
Another great day on the bike. We entered, I believe the 11th state on the tour, Vermont, and we only have 2 more states to go. We will hit New Hampshire and Massachusetts tomorrow. Tomorrow is really the last real day of riding, 96 miles and a lot of climbing like today, because Friday is a 17 mile ride, more of a ceremonial ride to the beach.
Be on the look out for farmers! Lots of farms for sure. Upstate NY, and VT is very pretty.
Hard to see in this picture, but this is a ski resort at the top of the first mountain we climbed. It had a 6.5 mile climb UP, yup, loved that one. :)
Looking for some Moose, but didn’t see any.
Nice 8% grade going down, was the same going up, but I didn’t want to stop and take a picture, I was focused on getting to the top. The road was freshly paved, and not even striped yet.
The river was a lot smaller as I was going up the mountain, and pretty.
Many of you may not know about my animal taming abilities, but it is a skill I greatly enjoy. I tamed this Vermont Spotted Leopard.
And again this Vermont Green Faced Cheetah.
And hard to believe, but one last cat, this time the famous Vermont Two Toned Big House Cat, she insisted we do a selfie, such a millennial.
Not sure what kind of snow machine this is, but I think it would go anywhere.
At the top of the second mountain climb of the day, Hogback Mountain, VT.
Welcome to Brattleboro, VT our home for the night.
Vermont is famous for it’s covered bridges, and look a covered bridge, and I’m in front of it!
Here it is again with our bikes checking it out from the replacement bridge.
Cathy and I stopped at the Top of the Hill Grill, a recommendation from the bike shop in town.
Thank you for following along with me on this journey, and if you can please make a donation to the Children's Hospital below. 100% of your funds go to the Vanderbilt Children's Hospital.
As a non-profit institution, the Children's Hospital provides care to the children who come through its' doors regardless of the family's ability to pay. Caring support from the community allows this level of service to continue.