What a great day!! First off, I think that I was dehydrated in the am yesterday, and that was the reason for it being so tough in the first half of the day, but we got that solved with the amount of liquids and food that I ate during the first half of the day. Second, I had a great dinner last night, Chicken Parm and pasta, with a side salad and bread. Sorry no pic. And I really think that helped me today. Above is a picture of me being silly this am before we left, I am the Sheik of the Desert.
Also, I wanted to take a moment and thank each and everyone of you for your support, and encouragement the last several days. I think that the hard part is over, as I keep getting in better shape each day, so tomorrow and next days should get progressively easier, although on paper they are not, just more used to it, and in better shape.
Which leads me to wanting to thank 2 of my riding buddies, Jerry and Durk. If it wasn’t for them wanting to ride in the Cold, Sleet, Rain, and other conditions when most normal people would have gone to the gym, we rode. I thank them for their help in getting me ready, because I am feeling good! Thanks
It’s a small world, as we all know, and my friend Jerry, that I mentioned above is on vacation with his wife and her sister (Beth and Marc and they live in Minneapolis ) and her family in Yosemite, and they started to talk about biking, etc. while out hiking, and his wife’s sister has a friend biking across the USA, and Jerry said he did as well. It turns out, it’s me! I am friends with all of them, and none of us knew, and they are all donors to our cause!! Thanks. They also sent a picture of my dad to me 2 days ago after the long hot day in the desert. It was a much needed BOOST. Thanks.

This is a picture of me at a rest stop, that is both a post office and a store.
Here are several pictures of another “page” of my computer, it is the mapping page. You can see the errors pointing the direction, and the 3rd pic down, shows that I turn with the name of the street and the distance. Very handy. BTW I got the maps downloaded to the computer this am, I used another riders phone as a hotspot and was able to update it.

It was a long 12 mile climb.

Almost there, just 1000 ft to go. Scenes on the way up.

Still going up, but looking back from where I just came from.

The top, funny thing is there wasn’t anything to see, better pictures from the way up and down.

On the way down, see the road in the middle of the pic? That’s the road I am on.

Wide open views starting to come into view, see the road on the left going down.

Great lunch spot today.

Southwest burger on sourdough with chilies and guacamole, yum! And fries.

This is Jerome, AZ, and it was literally built into the side of a mountain, this is where the burger place is, and the next few pictures are of the “downtown” area, and their views.

See the road, that’s the one and only.

Looking back at the town of Jerome.

Staying at the lovely Best Western tonight, not a lot of options in Cottonwood. I took a dip and sat in the hot tub as well.
This is a picture of me at a rest stop, that is both a post office and a store.
Here are several pictures of another “page” of my computer, it is the mapping page. You can see the errors pointing the direction, and the 3rd pic down, shows that I turn with the name of the street and the distance. Very handy. BTW I got the maps downloaded to the computer this am, I used another riders phone as a hotspot and was able to update it.
Ahead we are going over Mingus Mtn. Elevation 7000 ft. As I stated earlier, today was a great day for me, it was the lightest mileage day so far and only about 1/2 of the climbing of yesterday.
It was a long 12 mile climb.
Almost there, just 1000 ft to go. Scenes on the way up.
Still going up, but looking back from where I just came from.
The top, funny thing is there wasn’t anything to see, better pictures from the way up and down.
On the way down, see the road in the middle of the pic? That’s the road I am on.
Wide open views starting to come into view, see the road on the left going down.
Great lunch spot today.
Southwest burger on sourdough with chilies and guacamole, yum! And fries.
This is Jerome, AZ, and it was literally built into the side of a mountain, this is where the burger place is, and the next few pictures are of the “downtown” area, and their views.
See the road, that’s the one and only.
Looking back at the town of Jerome.
Staying at the lovely Best Western tonight, not a lot of options in Cottonwood. I took a dip and sat in the hot tub as well.
BTW, my creak and click are gone, so it was time well spent yesterday afternoon at the bike shop.

Here is the video from today.
Here is the video from today.
Tomorrow is going to be another beautiful day, as we head to Sedona, and then onto Flagstaff. Will be a lot of climbing, but should be beautiful.
Thank you for following along with me on this journey, and if you can please make a donation to the Children's Hospital below. 100% of your funds go to the Vanderbilt Children's Hospital.
As a non-profit institution, the Children's Hospital provides care to the children who come through its' doors regardless of the family's ability to pay. Caring support from the community allows this level of service to continue.
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