Welcome to Texas! It’s our 4th state and 3rd state line crossing. It was a brutal day, we had headwinds for 90 of the 96 miles. I think it was from the storms in the gulf, and it was pushing the winds in another directions. We are heading to OK tomorrow and they had some major storms there ast night, so I hope they will be gone by the time that we get there. I also had 2 flats today, the first was because I was jumping back and forth from the road to the shoulder, and each time that you do that to avoid the traffic, you go over the rumble strips, and I think that I got a pinch flat. Then I changed it and clearly didn’t so a very good job, because I got another flat about 5 miles later. Oh well, I made it in and tomorrow is another day.
See ya later New Mexico.

Welcome to Texas, where it is hot!

Welcome to Texas, where it is hot!
We are staying in Dalhart, TX tonight. Not a lot of pictures today, for 2 reasons: 1) it was hard to take pictures with the wind, and 2) there wasn’t a lot to see.
Here is the map, you can see the state lines, tomorrow to OK, and then Kansas the next day.
Because of the wind, my time today was 30 minutes slower today than yesterday, and yesterday I rode 15 more miles, 110.
Look at the red circles above, I was on the road today for almost 8 hours, riding time 6 1/2, and “cafe time” 1:20. The cafe time is resting, eating, changing 2 flats, etc. I was out in the heat a lot today. We also lost an hour today, as we entered the central time zone.
Thank you for following along with me on this journey, and if you can please make a donation to the Children's Hospital below. 100% of your funds go to the Vanderbilt Children's Hospital.
As a non-profit institution, the Children's Hospital provides care to the children who come through its' doors regardless of the family's ability to pay. Caring support from the community allows this level of service to continue.
Dude, you are crushing calories every day. You must eat a ton to keep going. Keep rolling.