We had another nice day. You can tell me are getting closer to the middle of the country as the humidity has greatly increased. I was wet all day from sweat, where as in the desert it would evaporate quickly. We are drinking a lot to compensate. We went 84 miles today to Dodge City, but before we got there, we stopped in at the Dalton Gang Hideout, we didn’t see any bank robbers.
Last night in Liberal, KS Dorothy came to our dinner, belowis a picture of Cathy, my friend from San Francisco’s and is a great rider, and myself with the guest of honor.

There is not a lot to see so far, just relatively flat and getting greener.
Welcome to Dodge City, the “Wickedest Town in the West”. The same town the TV show, “Gunsmoke” was based on. The Dodge City Cowboy Band played at the inauguration of President Harrison in 1889. A good buffalo hunter could make more than $100 a day in the 1800’s.
This is the Dodge City Post Office, a nice building.
As I stated earlier, it was HOT, and we got in relatively early to try to avoid too much time in the heat.
Clearly we were either too fast or too slow, or they are confused??
We had a headwind a lot of the first 60 miles, then we took a left and headed due North, and we had a nice tailwind. Tailwinds are always nice.
Because of the tailwind, I had a nice avg. speed today. We were working together fighting the wind earlier in the day again.
Thank you for following along with me on this journey, and if you can please make a donation to the Children's Hospital below. 100% of your funds go to the Vanderbilt Children's Hospital.
As a non-profit institution, the Children's Hospital provides care to the children who come through its' doors regardless of the family's ability to pay. Caring support from the community allows this level of service to continue.
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