Another great day on the bike. We entered, I believe the 11th state on the tour, Vermont, and we only have 2 more states to go. We will hit New Hampshire and Massachusetts tomorrow. Tomorrow is really the last real day of riding, 96 miles and a lot of climbing like today, because Friday is a 17 mile ride, more of a ceremonial ride to the beach.
We thought it may rain today, but it held off, and it was a nice overcast day in the low 70’s again, what am I going to do when I get back to Nashville with record high temps, UGH!
I was a little concerned with my knee and all of the climbing today, over 5500 ft, but the knee held in there. I found yesterday that a few things that I did differently really paid off in terms of the knee swelling and pain. I took more Aleve, and some other anti inflammatories, Paula taped my knee with KT Tape, and I spent less time stopping. If I stopped I only did it for a short period of time. I found that I have been spending too much time at the SAG’s, and by the time I get back on my bike after hanging out, eating, drinking and talking for 30 minutes that my knee isn’t happy when I finally get back on my bike, so I have more than cut that time in half. Also when I stop for pictures, I stop, get the picture, and get going again, and this is a real help as well.
All in all, I am really happy with today, and I am looking forward to our ride tomorrow. I am icing my knee and will elevate it more later.
When I saw this sign coming into town, I laughed, Who Sick? You sick? Me Sick? We all Sick? OK Ice Cream works better.

Be on the look out for farmers! Lots of farms for sure. Upstate NY, and VT is very pretty.

Hard to see in this picture, but this is a ski resort at the top of the first mountain we climbed. It had a 6.5 mile climb UP, yup, loved that one. :)

Be on the look out for farmers! Lots of farms for sure. Upstate NY, and VT is very pretty.
Hard to see in this picture, but this is a ski resort at the top of the first mountain we climbed. It had a 6.5 mile climb UP, yup, loved that one. :)
Looking for some Moose, but didn’t see any.
Nice 8% grade going down, was the same going up, but I didn’t want to stop and take a picture, I was focused on getting to the top. The road was freshly paved, and not even striped yet.
The river was a lot smaller as I was going up the mountain, and pretty.
Many of you may not know about my animal taming abilities, but it is a skill I greatly enjoy. I tamed this Vermont Spotted Leopard.
And again this Vermont Green Faced Cheetah.
And hard to believe, but one last cat, this time the famous Vermont Two Toned Big House Cat, she insisted we do a selfie, such a millennial.
Not sure what kind of snow machine this is, but I think it would go anywhere.
At the top of the second mountain climb of the day, Hogback Mountain, VT.
Cathy and me on the top of the mountain.
Welcome to Brattleboro, VT our home for the night.
Vermont is famous for it’s covered bridges, and look a covered bridge, and I’m in front of it!
Here it is again with our bikes checking it out from the replacement bridge.
Cathy and I stopped at the Top of the Hill Grill, a recommendation from the bike shop in town.
Thank you for following along with me on this journey, and if you can please make a donation to the Children's Hospital below. 100% of your funds go to the Vanderbilt Children's Hospital.
As a non-profit institution, the Children's Hospital provides care to the children who come through its' doors regardless of the family's ability to pay. Caring support from the community allows this level of service to continue.
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